Monday, March 30, 2009

Friends & Family

Hey, I'm just an old fashioned sort of girl and I admit it!
I'm not known for my tecnological savvy.
O.K., that's an understatement.
I'm known for being stuck in the (antique) Dark Ages.
I just mastered my cell phone's camera, and finally got my first digital camera. (As a gift.)
They say I need to get up to speed . Hey - I do have a blog - isn't that pretty up to the minute?
So I've had to rely on my genious daughter to design my sites and on my sweet friend Jeff
to provide wonderful photos. It's so nice to have friends and family who will assist me in inching into the 21st century. (Read: "pull me kicking and screaming into the 21st century".)

photo of my sweet photographer/boyfriend Jeff March

(Note: This was following a 14 mile hike into and out of a mountainous area, carrying photography equipment, and he thinks he is not looking his best . . . . I beg to differ! )

I'm learning more about my camera and computer every day, and that's what counts, after all. (At least I hope it counts!) I am now posting photos and artwork on my own . . . which is quite the accomplishment for me. Do I hear applause?? Thank you!!

I'm writing today to thank these wonderful members of my support team, (and life team), for keeping me on target, pointing me in the right direction, and propping me up whenever I need assistance.

No matter what they tell you, I do not
"usually get inspired and call them up at 3am".
I DO get inspired at 3am, but I usually wait
at least until daybreak to call them for assistance.
They have inspired me and encouraged me and provided me with technical assistance and artistic advice. They love me anyway . . . in spite of my limitations, and support my endeavors, my brainstorms and my dreams. Thank You, Gang!
There is a little saying I heard a few years ago . . . and I'm sure they were talking about ME!

It goes like this . . .

"she sometimes had a storm inside of her head"


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